I have not written too much about technology or IT related issues. In part, this is due to spending most of my work day dealing with IT problems. Shoud not that be enough?
However, increasingly I am finding the need to be more creative outside work in applying what I know. At work I have been working quite a bit with the Mozilla products, Thunderbird and Firefox. Thunderbird is an e-mail client and Firefox is a browser. I was the team leader for deploying the Thunderbird e-mail client in my organization's region. This was not too much of a stretch since our previous official client was the Netscape 4.7 suite. For those that don't know, Firefox and Thunderbirds roots are with Netscape.
So for those reading this blog that have not tried Firefox and Thunderbird, I urge you to give them a try. You can download the software (for free) from the Mozilla Web Site. Once you have taken a look at them, come back later and maybe we will discuss their advantages and disadvantages over Internet Explorer and Outlook.
By the way...feel free to place comments in this blog. No registration or e-mail addreess required.