I've been using MeWe for a few weeks now and while I haven't decided if I'm there to stay, there are a number of things I'm impressed with this "next-gen social network". Despite MeWe's cluttered user interface via a web browser, the actual layout of the post itself is well done.
In the image I've attached to this blog article you will find a post I submitted on MeWe. Look carefully at the MeWe post and note that I provided a link to a YouTube video, a link to a Twitter account, and finally a link to a website. Unlike a number of other social platforms I've used in the past (Facebook, Google+, Twitter, etc) where only a single image or a single video is presented in the status update, MeWe does its best to present more visuals to the links provided. In the example I've given, you'll see both video as well as an info block to the Twitter account I linked to. For me, this layout is quite pleasing to the eyes and presents a much better "finished product" than ever could in a Facebook post as well as on Twitter.
I wish other social networks presented the images/thumbnails in similar manner to what MeWe is doing in this example.