During the summer months the quantity of articles I write and publish are often minimal. I enjoy my summer activities of bicycling, motorcycling, camping, and other family activities too much to sit in front of a computer all summer long. Not being much of a winter outdoorsman and living in South Dakota, the winter months have always been my time for focusing on my personal blog as well as writing some articles for socPub.
I've been using the past few months to figure out my next step for all of my websites. None of my sites are as successful as CMS Report once was. The rebranding of CMS Report to socPub a couple years ago, while not a failure, never met its intended goal of increasing traffic by diversifying the topics covered at the website. Some of my most passionate interest, lifestyle or hobby related articles that I've published on socPub just aren't going over well with the site's more established tech and content management audience.
Most of the people that visit socPub.com come to the site for business related and professional purposes. I have come to realize that articles focused on say music or power tools that keep me interested in writing articles are a distraction for the site's niche audience. I've actually had people over the months write to me to let me know how they're upset I've moved away from the sites original focus on content management systems. I think I have a path forward that should make the software developers, IT gurus, and CMS folks happy at socPub yet grow an audience elsewhere. I'm not ready to announce that solution, so for now lets just call it Project Forward. I'll be revealing additional details as they happen in the coming months.
Meanwhile, I haven't completely dropped the ideas behind another website of mine, Powered by Battery. I really think the electrification of everything currently with a gas-fueled motor is this century's greatest technological story. I just personally haven't found the time to do the website justice and I'm afraid of starting something great that I can't follow-through and complete on my own. But I think with Project Forward this site may eventually become the most important website I mange and own. Time will tell if my predictions are true.
So in summary, more articles are coming this Fall for BryanRuby.com and socPub.com. Also in the mix, a new strategy for how I support and manage my websites that should give a bump up to also PoweredbyBattery.com. Stay tuned...